07 January 2015

Record of meeting 7 January 2015

It was great to have 11 members attend our meeting today.  Jo is not lost anymore, Lyn is over Christmas, Leonie had breakfast by the water and did her homework there too, Diane has hundreds of tadpoles in her pool and doesn’t know what to do with them (look on line was the suggestion), Pauline didn’t hear her alarm at the beach, Elizabeth spent Christmas day on the edge of water with grandchildren making paella, Geoff had a quiet pleasant get together for Christmas, Helene had a quiet Christmas and swims at Collingwood beach, Wendy had a quiet Christmas and New Year, Cath surprised a few people while she enjoyed floating  in the water at Paradise Beach, Terry felt new muscles after sailing in Jervis Bay.

Collingwood beach 1 January 2015

Words of the day

Jingoism – patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy

Chagrin – disappointment or annoyance

Inexorable – relentless

Vicarious – taking the place of another

Cast offs – abandoned or discarded

Phenomenal – highly extraordinary

Ostensible – outer appearance, put forward to conceal the real

Obstreperous – unruly or boisterous

Cronut - a mix between a donut and croissant

Gist – the meaning

Appropriatonist – using from other sources

Stories from words of the day

Pauline – the gift

Elizabeth – my younger brother

Geoff – Imitation of Abbott

Helene – Recycled Australia day party

Wendy – I have no clout

Cath – The rebel

Terry – Amazing stories

Jo – I will go for it

Lyn – What happened to Devonshire tea? - very funny

Leonie – Foreign policy in the Oval office

Diane – In the Senate

Reading of Homework

Elizabeth – adventures on my birthday

Helene – Leo’s short fuse

Leonie – change happens by the lake

Reading – Harry selections

Lyn bought the book and Terry read out a section of “Harry’s last stand” written by Harry Leslie Smith a 91 year old man in the UK.

Terry recommends “The story of Mohamed” – on line written by Harry Richardson.


Terry gave us the names Jennifer, Felicity, Rita, James, Scott and Wally to write descriptions of these characters. We each read out our descriptions with some similarities and other differences.


If you didn’t attend the meeting, select two names from the exercise above and write a few lines listing the characteristics of those characters. If you did attend the meeting select two of the characters you described.
Using the two characters describe a meeting in a coffee shop between them.






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