16 April 2014

Record of meeting 16 April 2014

Words of the day

Tizzy = state of anxiety, panic
Polyglot = person who speaks in different languages
Virescent = starting to turn green
Neap = low tide in Spring
Periphery = border, edge
Vapid = bland or uninspiring
Sordid = dirty, mean, squalid
Proclivity = tendency to do something regularly
Pay off = reward, bribe
Moue = pout
Platitudes = uninspired, insincere, a common place
Pellucid = pass right through
Macabre = gruesomely imaginative
Erudite = learned, the polish or teach

Writing from words of the day

We used the words of the day to produce a brilliant range of interesting stories about Learning French, Speaking Chilean, In the sand, the scientist, Dead on the beach, On the periphery of the law, Making an impression, On a cobble stoned London street, One language after another, Expected dreams for the future, No lollipop for Sally, Platitudes don’t cut it, To the back bench, the glass bowl and The stew a brilliant poem from David R.

Reading of homework

Lynn read homework from 4 years ago a moving piece about the realisation she’s never coming back, Cath shared a great story of Love grew cold, Terry read Remain at arm’s length, The disabled ship by Jo, Watching as years go by – Adele, My wish from Margaret, Obsessed by the double bed an unsettling story from Mary, Too many sheets to wash – David C, Never again and Burnt another cake – poems from David R. Disappointed with the day by Leonie.

Wild about words

Sue from the Sea Change committee has asked us to let her know about our participation by 28 April. Details of events are listed in the minutes of 2 April 2014 and will be publicised after Easter.


Information from Geoff was circulated about competitions


Some time ago David C bought a box of material at auction and from some hand written material read a poem Cecil’s plaint.  David R read a poem called “From the south”.

David R also recommended the book he is reading "Playing with water" by Kate Llewellyn about her experiences establishing gardens on the south coast.

Garry in Thailand recommends the number one New York Times Bestseller "The 4 hour work week" live anywhere and join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss.

Quick write - I have absolutely no idea

We participated in a quick write on the topic "I have absolutely no idea". David C shared history of a personal blonde moment. Elizabeth wrote about a great feathered friend on the farm.  Adele found herself sitting dumbfounded after a dream. Jo in a mean mood wrote that nothing is a comfortable mood. Terry questioned us on how any ideas  happen.  Lynn experienced being lost in the tile shop and encountering the latest trends.  Helene showed she knew nothing right about the group.  Leonie told us an intriguing story asking what’s in the diary. David C wrote a poem about the group.  Pam wrote about who, what, where and when. Geoff puzzled us with an intelectual comparison between the known and unknown.  



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