04 December 2013

Record of meeting 4 December 2013

Present with News

David C built a shed next door (what a neighbour), Geoff had water pipes burst and flooded the floor, Trish’s voice is coming and going, luckily she has good bone density, Helene saw “The Butler” and wrote to Aeroplane Jelly, Wendy had her operation and it didn’t work and waited in hospital 3 days for a scan and had to share a shower with three men, Cath sort of broke her middle toe and then danced, Terry’s cataract surgery was successful, Jo’s laundry flooded, Margaret woke at 3 am and remembered she hadn’t read the second page of her homework last week, Leonie’s children are visiting for Christmas, the projector broke down and while she had an MRI and a medical appointment her partner bought new equipment and he has given up artificial sweeteners and his health has improved.

Words of the day

Hindsight = the ability to understand after something has happened or rear sight

Adhere = stick to or follow a cause

Chronic = a length of time

Enigma = a puzzle or riddle

Halteres = a weight held in the hand, the balance of insects

Politic = likely to become advantageous, astute

Enclave = a district surrounded by another district

Anaphora = repetition of a phrase for emphasis

Felicitous = pleasing, happy

Frolic = run and play in a lively way

Writing from words of the day

The well worded group produced a range of stories on the topics Remain in your place, The green slopes of Parliament house, The long jump frolic, I was a clown, On the beach at Bondi, Tell a friend about it, Education policy, Jaws, Out with the tyrant and Over the cliff.

Homework reading

 We read a variety of great homework from those present and those on leave; including A vision from a hidden room, Charlie returns, I grew a tail (from fishy David R), The Bondi tip, Seeing and learning, The dental bill (from Garry in Thailand), You silly old goat, A reading from Dillon Thomas, The second page of Margaret’s homework from last week about a discarded phone and pitch blackness a murder mystery in the bush.


Jo bought a rocky thing to ask if it was a fossil. No decision was reached.

Helene gave some more information about ABC Open and the fact that Sarah Moss our Regional Producer will visit us on Wednesday 19 February 2014 to give the group information about the program.

David C read a poem by A B Patterson’s grandmother- looks like he had inspiration there.


Geoff reminded us about two launches on Saturday 7 December

Deb Benson’s book Gallipoli Dog in Ulladulla and

The Kitchen table poets film in Nowra.

Three word sentence quick write

We stemmed our verbosity to create stories containing three word sentences. The stories covered the topics of Shakespeare the bard; Three little words; Are we there; Clean car tomorrow; Eat this stew; Tourist masses come; Pitch a tent; I don’t know; and I was ill.


Neighbours (Fifi and Garry - please no singing from the neighbours theme song)





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