03 July 2013

Record of meeting 3 July 2013


David C, Elizabeth, Leonie, David R, Jo, Terry, Trevor, Trish, Wendy, Helene, Margaret, Cath.

Christmas in July lunch

Wendy told us about her difficulties arranging our Christmas in July lunch. We decided to book lunch (no guarantee about a Christmas meal) on Tuesday 23 July at the Postman’s tavern – Wendy to book. We can share transport to Nowra. More news once the booking is made.


David C is planning to visit his daughter next week and to see grandchildren for their birthdays (luckily the dates are clumped together for David’s convenience). Cath’s cat chased a fox. Margaret was interested to hear about Garry living near where she has lived. Helene had surgery on her finger and went to Shellharbour shopping. Wendy’s street was flooded and her husband found he had 23 motor bikes. Trish had a nice afternoon in Huskisson. Trevor drove to Sydney last week and saw no water on the road. Terry drove to Sydney last week and collected his new dog. Terry talked about selling and buying used books on Fishpond. Jo went to a solicitor who gave her advice. David R went to see a great dentist in Vincentia; he is getting a replacement chair (no not a dental chair) after 3 years of problems. Leonie enjoyed a visit to Pigeon House mountain tea house café. Elizabeth enjoyed seeing Beauty and the beast at the Nowra Playhouse

Words of the day

Curd = coagulate

Echolalia = meaningless repetition of someone’s words

Terse = smooth and concise, curt

Tarn = mountain lake

Coda = a triumphant ending, final part of music

Whet = sharpen, stimulate

Bespoke = specially made for a particular purpose

Macaronic = using more than one language or dialect within the same conversation

Fustilarian = fat slovenly person

Felicitous = admirably suited or well suited

Idiopathy = spontaneous disease of unknown cause

Tanglefoot = complicated person


A mind that changed - an emotional tale from Terry, Doing things my way, The jungle beat – a call to freedom a great poem from David R, Away from the computer – another escape, Success in the Northern Territory a fabulous story from Elizabeth, A bit of nonsense and a few good ideas, Grand plans and lists and pleasure from achievement, The suitcase, Things to do and places to go – a great travel story from Trish, The year of 2013 – a great year and the joys of finding our writing group by Trevor.

Reading and discussions

Jo read the start of her story “The piano bird” – a well described environment.

David R read a poem The Uber river a dedication to his great, great, great Grandfather - I saw through your eyes.

Margaret is marketing her book at the Arbour in Berry on Monday 8 July 2013. She told us more about how she published her e- book.

We also had a discussion on the importance of recording our own life stories for future generations to read. A blog is one way to do that. You can seek help from other members if you need it.


Entirely in the dark




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