24 October 2012

Record of meeting 24 October 2012


David R, Jo, Wendy W, Helene, Garry, Leonie, David C, Cath, Robyn


Today Garry had a diabetes test and met an interesting woman. He also enjoyed his dog sit of Jaffa near Braidwood. Leonie has returned from a nice visit with her mother. Jo has tangled with the bank over her son’s account suggested we look at class action banks on the net. Robyn’s husband Joe has been home for a week without going to hospital. David C and wife drove down Holden Street and paddled their kayaks to Moona Moona Creek ended up in the water and walked back to the car. Cath had a wasp building a home on her garbage bin and went to a digital camera workshop. Wendy W planted her vege garden etc. Helene had a battle with a tick. David R has also been working in the garden.

Words of the day

Garry – defenestrate = to throw out the window

Leonie – razzia = a hostile incursion or pillage

Jo – apache = a violent lawless hoodlum

Robyn – precocious = advanced

David C - Brogue = accent of the Irish/Scottish and a shoe made out of one piece of leather

Cath -congruent = harmonious agreement

Wendy W – insouciant = carefree, nonchalant

Helene - Chauvinism = irrational belief that ones own country, race, group, or sex is superior

David R – anachronism = belonging to another period

Writing from words of the day

Wendy – I don’t care. Cath – the next battle. David C – the upstart. Robyn – head dress. Jo – successful mission. Leonie – beaten by brogues. Garry – don’t touch the Abbott. David R – Razzia the racehorse – a great poem. 


Reading of homework

David C – Jeremy’s winter adventure – a mountain change a funny story. Helene – lunch and breakfast. David R – Family Christmas dinner with feudadynamics. Garry told us the story of how we got picnics and make up. Leonie – the next generation organising an event with love and affection. Jo – no family meals here. Robyn – a picnic and surprises for the family.

Meeting at Café Overboard Ulladulla Wednesday 14 October 2012

David C to organise the meeting on Wednesday 14 November 2012 at Café Overboard. Plan is to leave the church at 12:30 pm and be back by 4 pm. Helene to give an updated email list to David and David will send an email to all on the list.


Wendy W read her children’s poem “George and Barry” very cute.

David R read letters to the Argus newspaper from two Rudder brothers who had served in the Boer War.


We did a progressive write using words that sound the same.


Write about a tattoo.





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