15 February 2012

Record of meeting 15 February 2012

Present: David C, Terry, Leonie, Geoff, Helene, Garry, Wendy, Robyn, David R

News: Leonie is struggling to get garden quotes. Geoff has another letter published, this time about problem gamblers and clubs. Helene is having her house painted and has been in touch with Melissa. Garry told of a young friend in Laos who died in a motor cycle accident. Wendy had a quiet week as her husband can’t speak after an abscess on a tooth. Robyn has been told there may be additional costs for her new home to meet fire rating requirements. David R has had an abscess on his tooth while has caused a hearing loss. David R read a poem of St Valentines Day. David C's daughter coming down to JB for the Tri-athalon this weekend. Terry’s uncle turns 100 soon and played first class cricket and is being recognised for his contribution.

Word of the day Terry sophisticated – experienced in wordly ways, artificial lacking in natural simplicity. Sophis – misleading. Leonie – lithe – supple Geoff - redolent = fragrant and redound = to have an effect or result which can be good or bad. Helene - Elegance pleasing or graceful in dress. Garry sad = seasonal affective disorder and thugocracy = a system of govt which follows no principles and allows inept. Wendy Oxymoron = a smart saying which at first hearing seems ridiculous contains two apparently contradictory ideas eg living dead, military intelligence, found missing. Robyn Panache = French for helmet. David R - enclave = portion of territory comes from French enclosed or dovetailed. David C faineant = an idler, time waster.

Quick write from words of the day

Gary – military intelligence in an enclave. Geoff a perfumed enclave. Leonie – the city as an oxymoron. Terry – attacked the words of the day choices in a Scottish poem. David C – Juliana’s life in Sicily. David R – the pole dancing couple in a strip joint. Robyn – leaving the football. Wendy – a funny poem.

Homework readings

David R – wreck of a nation – a political poem. Robyn – Louise an artist who art takes a different track. Wendy – a perfect poem about a perfect person. Garry – Once upon a time near the Limpopo River in Africa recognition of animals and the writers group. Helene – a poem Geoff – handed out a list of ranks in English peerage. Leonie – Gerald in delirium waiting for Madeline. Terry – recognition based on knowledge and experiences around Australia. David C – microchip in the brain a foolproof system of recognition.

Garry told us about a site www.saveonbrands.com.au which offers brand named products priced at $1 each. The site is down at present because of a huge interest but will reopen on 4 April 2012.

Geoff read a few pages from his novel set in Japan – the cricket game. Wendy read some of Ogden Nash poems.

We did a circular write which gave us lots of laughs.

Homework - The light house

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