24 August 2011

Record of meeting 24 August 2011

Present: Terry, Leonie, Geoff, Mandy, Wendy, Helene, Robyn, David C, Melissa and welcome to Gary

News: David C went to Wellington to see his new great grand daughter Ruby Blu. Helene has a new washing machine. Wendy is getting ready for a trip with her car club. Mandy has arranged for Michael to demonstrate how to record our own talking books. New member Gary is happy to be here, he had back surgery in July and is slowly recovering and walked about 100 yards for the first time, his sister has encouraged him to get out and attend our meeting. Geoff was interested in an article on world trade and protectionism. Leonie is happy and now has walls on her new house. Terry’s daughter is on medication for the next three months and then has another MRI. Robyn had an interesting Saturday went to State Archives Centre in Sydney, found the will of her husbands great, great grandfather and other family members. Go to the Trove website for more information. Melissa turned 40 yesterday and had a great day and had the song she wrote “I know a place” about Jervis Bay and sung by her husband Scott, broadcast on community radio 99.7 and you can ring the request number 4443 9644 to request Melissa’s song “I know a place”.

Word of day
Geoff - piquant – spicy or sharp taste. Wendy parvenu – with new wealth not accepted. Melissa - skipping – removing food from bins outside supermarkets. David C parochial – local small area, someone who lives in a parish and looks after the poor. Robyn – mulligrubs – state of depression or low spirit and worm disease in dogs. Terry – rubric – title of heading of chapter printed in red and set of rules for behaviour. Prescribe and proscribe banish. Leonie – strange – foreign, not well know, unexpected, extraordinary

Reading of homework - strange characters
Mandy – friends you pull off and on like socks, Camilla Double-Barrell surname the most fussy hostess. Wendy the in laws. Helene neighbours and fences. Melissa the strange person in the mirror. David C a one eyed friend. Terry with his strangest friend on a wild mini ride. Leonie read the story of Darren a man living alone and feeling like he is from another planet. Gary feels literacy is important – you can’t have democracy if you can’t read. Gary also told of his experience of feeling helpless when not being able to read the written language in foreign countries. Geoff bought info about his family tree and talked about it.

We worked to find the largest number of words from the letters in the words – writing and holiday. A fun exercise and a good test of word knowledge thanks to Leonie.

Quick write - Destiny
Melissa found destiny is swirling around us. Helene’s Destiny a game player, Wendy wrote about Destiny the stripper, Many saw destiny as a destination, Leonie found a new partner at a personal growth group. Terry asked “Why are we here?” While David C asked “Is this it?” Great stories everyone.

Homework due Wednesday 31 August 2011
She put the phone down and turned to him and said “its her again”

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