08 February 2010

Meeting on 3.2.10.

Present: Jo Ball, Helene Gaul, David Rudder, Melissa Ehlers, Vala Hanns, Mary Sinnamon, Wendy Williams, Robyn Kellner, Terry McLafferty, Cath Davidson

Brags: Terry's grandson & son won first place in Hobie 16 summer competition at
Vincentia Sailing Club
Jo informed us of the proposed ammalgamation of the Aboriginal Health &
Regional Health Departments, also her son Murray has a vicious Quoll
roaming nearby
Mary will be going to Jenolan Caves with her husband to hear an opera
performed in the Caves
Vala Reported David Cargill looked well, he may be at the meeting next
week. She has also commenced French lessons
Helene Has had a poem published in the About magazine Congratulations
David expressed his thanks to Terry for the interesting tutorial presented
last week, seconded by the group
Robyn's research for her family tree continues. She has found references of
her family in NZ from a newspaper report of 1880

Word of the day: David - Pericope, a short passage or paragraph. Peri (surround) Cope (cut off)
Helene - Liberty. freedom
Melissa - Halcyon. peaceful, gentle, calm
Mary - Pundit. Learned person.
Wendy - Clandestine. secret
Robyn - Notwithstanding. nevertheless, despite
Terry - Has bought a copy of 1811 Dictionary of the
Vulgar Tongue. We will be sure to hear some of his
discoveries in future writings ie:- kirtles, doxy,
fartleberries, particios. He also described the Gypsy
Oath with gusto
Jo- Sumptuary. laws to limit expenditure.
Cath - Anathema. dislike intensely

Homework: Last week each person was given a fortune cookie, then asked to write a piece relating to the "fortune" contained.
There were many & varied thoughts regarding this.

Exercise: Wendy had everyone thinking deeply as they tried to write a meaningful sentence containing words which contained one letter more than the previous word. Terry outdid us all, his longest word had 16 letters.

Next Week: Facilitator - Terry Homework - Mandy Exercise - Melissa

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